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Motion Lab Resources Website – Creating PDFs


The Power PDF Standard from Nuance is recommended for creating your PDF files.  An extremely extensive search of all PDF file creators was done, and the PDF creator software from Nuance was the only package found to accurately export translucency (used for normal plot bands), not truncate various things from Excel printing (used on several reports), and to allow an “Append” option.  Later versions of Word and Excel correctly export to PDF files, but they do not have an “Append” option.  None of the other packages were able to accurately export translucency.


This link is a page that shows you the minimum steps needed to install the Power PDF Standard version 2014 without installing several extra components that are not needed.


In addition to the Power PDF Standard software, Adobe Acrobat Standard is also often useful.  Adobe Acrobat Standard allows one to open a PDF file and rearrange and/or delete pages.  This is often useful when compiling a finalized patient report.  Any version of Adobe Acrobat Standard will work just fine, and there are no special installation instructions.  (As a note, there is also an Adobe Acrobat Reader and Adobe Acrobat Professional product.  The Adobe Acrobat Reader is probably already installed on your machines, and does not conflict with Adobe Acrobat Standard.)  Adobe Acrobat Professional is for major print format production and is beyond the needs of most motion labs.


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